Pastor David Wafula

Pastor of Bibleway Baptist Church in Saboti

VIAMinistries Managing Partner, East Africa

The valley site pre-school and orphanage is doing well. Our teachers and cook are saved Christians and I do pay like $20 three of them each.

We had opportunity to fix some tables and bought chairs, cups, plates and spoons.

This week we had women workshop at Bible Way Baptist. It was wonderful! I taught Mathew 22:34-40. About love and we should love God. Several attend. Church is growing, many are coming to His saving knowledge. We also had our bible school class. The widows harvested their corn and they will be planting the beans tomorrow. Hope pastor Eliud will send you some pictures about their work. On behalf of our national partners, thank you so much for the gift and it means allot to us and ministry as well. The cost of the kitchen it will need like $500. We can have it like two small room, one kitchen and the other for the caretaker. Lord bless you and bless your service as well. To God be the glory.